PT Graha Prima Energy has extensive experience in the delivery of Land Clearing, Mining, Construction and Heavy Equipment Rental services across a broad range of industries and sites located through in Indonesia.
PT Graha Prima Energy is a highly integrated mining service company and we offer a whole range of mining solutions from exploration to exploitation as well as transport. We understand that every client's conditions vary and therefore we always carefully analyze a clients' requirements and then tailor a bundle of services that precisely matches our clients' needs and expectations.
At the moment our mining activities are predominantly in the sector of coal mining but with our expertise and equipment we are also able to provide mining related services to other open pit mines.
PT Graha Prima Energy provides mining companies, construction companies, plantation companies, and governments with reliable and quality equipment that is delivered on time where it is needed.
You can rely on our reputation for providing reliable on-site service and delivering quality equipment when you need it.
PT Graha Prima Energy utilizes the latest in mulching technology to offer an affordable alternative to your present clearing needs. With our experience in Oil Palm Plantataion and HTI (Hutan Tanaman Industri), our solution is truly your one stop resource for clearing and land maintenance programs.
PT Graha Prima Energy has grown into one of the leading construction company in Indonesia. we have built our reputation upon the excellence of our services and the importance of tradition. GPE has been the trusted name by clients to develop large scale projects.
GPE are involved in general construction specializing in Road Maintenance. We always endeavor to give the best service for our clients to suit every needs.